Lower Me Further Still is a game concept built around a soundtrack submission written for the OST Composing Jam #7, 2024. The game is currently envisioned as a puzzle-narrative experience that involves descending to the planet's depths, to cure the ailing heart of the Earth.  

Spacebar to tab through 3 available music tracks. 

Alternatively, listen on SoundCloud.

Track #1, "Seeking the Floor," serves as music for both the title card and the opening sequence of gameplay, which accompanies the player through the transition into the unknown. 

Track #2, "Inquiries at the Last", puzzle stage music and narrative beat for the challenge awaiting players at the door that holds back travelers, and our world itself,  from what lies beyond. 

Track #3, "Beyond the Edge of Absolutely Everything", puzzle stage music and narrative beat for the mystery of confronting the heart of the Earth.

Note: all tracks are meant to loop with crossfade implemented in the engine. 


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Beyond the Edge of Absolutely Everything_DAW Screenshot.png 408 kB
Inquiries at the Last DAW Screenshot.png 398 kB
Seeking the Floor Daw Screenshot.png 229 kB
Victory Sting Daw Screenshot.png 230 kB

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